The Opticians Association of Massachusetts’ (O.A.M.) “Fall Conference” is right around the corner!…
…and I’d like to personally invite you to attend the ABO Credited Courses that I will be presenting November 6th at the Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center in Southbridge, MA.
Click Here to Learn How to Register…
Today, optical retail stores face a challenging market especially with the onset of online eyewear sales…
…Allowing consumers to consistently make price comparisons.
Consequently, one must compete with innovative marketing strategies in addition to the quality of product and service that is offered.
During each session, you will gain a new perspective on how to market yourself and your Eye Care Business to your local community.
Learn how to capture potential customers in your community…
…And, in turn, how to maintain their CUSTOMER LOYALTY.
Schedule November 6, 2016
Cost–Effective Online Marketing Strategies for the Eye Care Business _________________ 8:00am
An introduction to the importance of creating a website and promoting your business using social media and other platforms on the Internet.
Selling Strategies in Business and in Life according to Human Behavior _______________10:30am
An overview of simple selling strategies based on common human behaviors that can be implemented in an optical setting.
Disruption of Online Sales to the Optical Industry __________________________________11:30am
A fresh outlook on the effect that online optical retailers have had on the brick-and-mortar business and approaches to offsetting the loss of eyewear sales.
Register for O.A.M.’s Fall Conference Today…
Also, be sure to stop by our BOOTH during Exhibiting Hours. I look forward to meeting you!