Here we are coming to the end of the first quarter of 2020. How were your sales this quarter?
According to Eyecare Business, the first and second quarters of 2020 are going to be slow. That being said, your eyecare business needs to be prepared for the half business cycle ahead. We are going to share with you a few tips on how to improve your sales for the second quarter.
Action Plan to Improve Sales Performance
You’ll need to have an effective action plan to improve the team’s sales performance. Here are some useful and proven recommendations that we have found.
Create Daily Tasks for the Team
Create a daily task sheet first thing in the morning. If that means that you need to come in a little earlier to do this, then do it. Or you can prepare it the evening before. Things that should be on the Daily Task Sheet:
- What is the goal for today?
- Are the shelves stocked appropriately?
- Is the front desk clean and ready for the day?
- Do you need to check the supply closet and make an order?
Establish a Plan for the Team
You and your team’s success is solely up to you. Identify your sales target. What has worked well and what hasn’t? What strengths do you and your team members have that what will help your eyecare business reach your goals? Do you have key priorities for the next quarter? It is essential that you identify any barriers you or your team might have and work to move past those barriers.
Prime Selling Time
Hitting your sales target is often a challenge. As an eye care business, you have to recognize that your customers will probably come in first thing in the morning, before they go to work, during their lunch hour, or after their workday is over. Are you fully staffed at these times? If not, there is a really good chance that you are going to have upset customers and could potentially lose some sales. Make sure that you are working with your team to take their lunches and breaks either earlier than planned, or after the rush is over.
Email Campaign
It is essential to keep your current customers up-to-date. You need to make sure that you are preparing new marketing materials for the second quarter. Use a drip-email campaign to keep them informed of the new releases, and upcoming promotions and sales.
Stay in Touch
If you haven’t seen or heard from some of your customers in over a year (most people that wear glasses should have their eyes checked at least once a year), now would be a great time to pick up the phone and give them a call. Taking this extra step, going the extra mile, will mean a lot to the customer! Hey, they may even schedule an appointment while they are on the phone with you.
We would love to know how you are preparing your eyecare business for the upcoming quarter. What do you have planned? Do you have a plan of action for the second quarter?
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